Table of Contents (LEGACY)
Introduction to VLMS Web Services
How to access the SWS API
Available API Resources
How to access the SWS API
Available API Resources
Get Listing of Users
Get Listing of Users for Assignment 2.0
Get Specific User
Create User
Update User
Merge Users
Get Listing of User Course Registrations
Get a Specific User Course Registration
Create User Course Registration
Update User Course Registration
Get Listing of Articles
Get Specific Article
Create Article
Update Article
Get Listing of Instructor Profiles
Get Listing of Course Registrations
Get Listing of Courses Published
Get My Courses Registrations
Get External App Module Data for Student Registrations
Update External App Module Data for a Student Registration
Get Payment Status
API Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
Get Listing of Users for Assignment 2.0
Get Specific User
Create User
Update User
Merge Users
Get Listing of User Course Registrations
Get a Specific User Course Registration
Create User Course Registration
Update User Course Registration
Get Listing of Articles
Get Specific Article
Create Article
Update Article
Get Listing of Instructor Profiles
Get Listing of Course Registrations
Get Listing of Courses Published
Get My Courses Registrations
Get External App Module Data for Student Registrations
Update External App Module Data for a Student Registration
Get Payment Status
User List Item Data Transfer Object (UserListItemDTO)
User Company Node Data Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeDTO)
User CompanyNode MetaData Data Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeMetaDataDTO)
User Profile Field DTO (UserProfileFieldDTO)
User Credential Summary (UserCredentialSummaryDTO)
User Credential (UserCredentialDTO)
User Work Experience Data Transfer Object (UserWorkExperienceDTO)
User Data Transfer Object (UserDTO)
Course Registration Data Transfer Object (CourseRegistrationDTO)
Course Completion Data Transfer Object (CourseCompletionDTO)
Course List Item Data Transfer Object (CoursesListItemDTO)
Article Data Transfer Object (ArticleDTO)
Instructor Profile Data Transfer Object (InstructorProfileDTO)
Credential Data Transfer Object (LoginCredentials)
Authentication Data Transfer Object (Authentication)
External App Module Data Transfer Object (ExternalAppData)
User Company Node Data Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeDTO)
User CompanyNode MetaData Data Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeMetaDataDTO)
User Profile Field DTO (UserProfileFieldDTO)
User Credential Summary (UserCredentialSummaryDTO)
User Credential (UserCredentialDTO)
User Work Experience Data Transfer Object (UserWorkExperienceDTO)
User Data Transfer Object (UserDTO)
Course Registration Data Transfer Object (CourseRegistrationDTO)
Course Completion Data Transfer Object (CourseCompletionDTO)
Course List Item Data Transfer Object (CoursesListItemDTO)
Article Data Transfer Object (ArticleDTO)
Instructor Profile Data Transfer Object (InstructorProfileDTO)
Credential Data Transfer Object (LoginCredentials)
Authentication Data Transfer Object (Authentication)
External App Module Data Transfer Object (ExternalAppData)
Introduction to VLMS Web Services
This documentation presents an overview of the VLMS Web Services (SWS) RESTful API. This API adheres to the principles of REST web service architecture.Required Knowledge
Use of this API assumes you are familiar with the following technologies:- XML (for an overview, go to the W3 Schools XML Tutorial) and/or JSON (for an overview, go to the W3 Schools JSON Tutorial)
- Web Services (for an overview, go to the W3 Schools Web Services Tutorial)
- HTTP Requests
- Data Transfer Objects (for an overview, go here)
- One or more programming languages capable of making the appropriate calls utilizing technologies specified.
How to access the VLMS Web Service API
Accessing the SWS API is accomplished by making HTTP Requests to specific URIs.Structure of an API HTTP Request
All API calls are made by making an HTTP Request to a URI that consists of the API's base URI, a resource path, and the required authentication parameters:Example:
https://{base-uri}/sws/rest/{resource-path}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key] https://{base-uri}/sws/rest/{resource-path}/?companyapitoken=[company_apitoken]&userapitoken=[user_api_token]
URI Portion | Description |
Base URI | This respresents the first portion of the URI.
Accepted Value(s): https://{your-domain}/sws/rest Please Note: We recommend that you always make your calls to the API securely using HTTPS. If your site does not have the full HTTPS option enabled, please use the first request base URI of: |
Resource Path | This represents the resource to access. For a complete listing of resources this API provides access to, go to the Available API Resources section of this documentation. |
Authentication Parameters | This represents the two required authentication parameters that *must* be included
as query string parameters appended to the URI called for ALL requests.
Important note about the "seamlesssignonkey" query string parameter:
The Login Key you pass in using the seamlessloginkey is part of the authentication process and it identifies the account to be used in making the various API calls. Please make sure the account being utilized has the appropriate permissions to perform the actions requested. Insufficient permissions will result in a failed request.
Handling HTTP Errors from the API
If an API call is successful, it should always return a HTTP Status code of 200 (OK).Upon receiving any status code other than 200, review the resulting error information. This information will be returned in either an XML or a JSON data object, depending on which HTTP Accept values have been set.
XML WebServiceError Example
<Details>[Error Message]</Details>
JSON WebService Error Example
{"Details":"[Error Message]"}
HTML Test Harness for testing API Requests
All Resource URIs can be viewed within a browser. When applicable, data boxes will appear that allow you to GET and/or POST XML/JSON DTOs relative to the resource and action being performed. jQuery is used to populate or post from these boxes, so you can view source on the page and follow the same process that the jQuery code uses in whatever language you are familiar with (PHP, C#, Java, etc.).Available API Resources
The following section details the resources that are availble with the SWS API.Important Tip:
All defined Resource URI values can be copied and pased into a web browser address bar to bring up the HTML Test Harness for that Resource. If utilizing this functionality, please remember to replace the an values contained with in {, }, [, and ] brackets with the appropriate values based on the identifier defined in those brackets.
Get Listing of Users
Retrieves a collection of Users based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
CompanyNodeUniqueID | Filters results to only returned Users who are are assigned to the specified Company/Organizational Node. | Optional |
FirstName | Filters results to only returned Users with a first name like the value specified | Optional |
LastName | Filters results to only returned Users with a last name like the value specified | Optional |
Uniqueid | Filters results to only returned Users with a unique ID like the value specified | Optional |
IncludeRegistrations | Specifies whether or not to include the UserCourseRegistrations collection for a User. | Optional |
RegistrationsByCourseGroupId | If including registrations, filters based on the included Course Group ID. | Optional |
Count | Limits the number of results returned to the number specified. If ommited, the number of results is defaulted to a maximum of 1000. The maximum value for this property is 1000. If more than 1000 records are needed, use count in conjunction with PageNumber and ReturnPagingSearchWrapper. |
Optional |
IncludeProfileFields | Specifies whether or not to include the User Profile Fields collection for a User. | Optional |
FieldsLanguage | Specifies the language to use as supported by the system. Accepts the following:
Optional |
IncludeCredentials | Specifies whether or not to include the User Credentials collection for a User. | Optional |
IncludeUserCredentialSubmissions | Specifies whether or not to include the User Degree Credential Submissions collection for a User. | Optional |
IncludeWorkExperiences | Specifies whether or not to include the User Work Experiences collection for a User. | Optional |
IncludeUserYearsWorkExperience | Specifies whether or not to include the User Years of Work Experience collection for a User. | Optional |
IncludeCourseCompletions | Specifies whether or not to include the Completed Courses for the a User. | Optional |
IncludeUserMetaData | Specifies whether or not to include the User Metadata for a User. | Optional |
PageNumber | In cases where the recordset returned a larger that the count you specify, records will be spread across more than one page. You can use the PageNumber property to get records across different pages. The Default value is 1. | Optional |
ReturnPagingSearchWrapper | Values can be true or false for this property. The default value is false. When true the data returned will be encapsulated in an object that will identify the results, total records, total pages and current page. The results propery returns a collection of UserListItemDTO objects in either XML or JSON.
Example JSON Returned: { "PageNumber":1, "Results" : [], "TotalPages" : 1 "TotalRecords":1 } |
Optional |
StartDate | The start date for filtering the records returned. Requires IncludeProfileFields, IncludeRegistrations, IncludeCourseCompletions, IncludeCredentials, IncludeUserCredentialSubmissions or IncludeWorkexperiences. | Optional |
EndDate | The end date for filtering the records returned. Requires IncludeProfileFields, IncludeRegistrations, IncludeCourseCompletions, IncludeCredentials, IncludeUserCredentialSubmissions or IncludeWorkexperiences. | Optional |
Filters results to only returned Users with the email equal to the value specified | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of UserListItemDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Example JSON
When ReturnPagingSearchWrapper=true { "PageNumber": 1, "Results": [ { "APIRecordStatus": 0, "APIRecordStatusMessage": null, "EmailAddress": "", "FirstName": "", "LastName": "", "SelfAssessmentCompleted": false, "Status": "Active", "Uniqueid_ClientSpecified": "1", "UserCompanyNodes": null, "UserCourseRegistrations": null, "UserCredentialSubmissions": null, "UserCredentialSummaries": null, "UserCredentials": null, "UserProfileFields": [ { "APIRecordStatus": 0, "APIRecordStatusMessage": null, "FieldName": "PQR ID", "FieldValue": "", "UserProfileFieldId": "9E609928-6E1A-4207-B3DF-6CA0B3DC4EA6" } ], "UserUUID": "F20ADB3E-4A47-4617-8117-F8869B7D453C", "UserWorkExperiences": null, "UserYearsWorkExperience": null, "isActiveIPDP": false } ], "TotalPages": 56260, "TotalRecords": 56260 } When ReturnPagingSearchWrapper=false [ { "APIRecordStatus": 0, "APIRecordStatusMessage": null, "EmailAddress": "", "FirstName": "", "LastName": "", "SelfAssessmentCompleted": false, "Status": "Active", "Uniqueid_ClientSpecified": "1", "UserCompanyNodes": null, "UserCourseRegistrations": null, "UserCredentialSubmissions": null, "UserCredentialSummaries": null, "UserCredentials": null, "UserProfileFields": [ { "APIRecordStatus": 0, "APIRecordStatusMessage": null, "FieldName": "XYZ", "FieldValue": "", "UserProfileFieldId": "9E609928-6E1A-4207-B3DF-6CA0B3DC4EA6" } ], "UserUUID": "F20ADB3E-4A47-4617-8117-F8869B7D453C", "UserWorkExperiences": null, "UserYearsWorkExperience": null, "isActiveIPDP": false } ]
Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Users: Management - Enabled
Get a Specific User
Retrieves a specific User based on the resource path defined.The URI's {user_identifier} section defining the User resource to retrieve (see below).
Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a UserDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Users: Management - Enabled
Create a User
Creates a User based on the posted UserDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the UserDTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
FirstName | The First Name for the User |
LastName | The Last Name for the User |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | The Unique ID for the User. This value is required to be unique. |
Login ID | The Login ID for the User. |
SetLoginPassword | The Password for the User. |
CompanyNode_NonAdmin | The non administrative Company Node ID. |
CompanyNode_Admin | The administrativ Company Node ID |
PermissionGroups | One or more Permission Groups to assign the User. |
Resource Result
Returns a UserDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Users: Management - Enabled
Update a User
Updates a User based on the posted UserDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the UserDTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
UserUUID | The UserUUID of the User being updated. |
FirstName | The First Name for the User |
LastName | The Last Name for the User |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | The Unique ID for the User. This value is required to be unique. |
Login ID | The Login ID for the User. |
CompanyNode_NonAdmin | The non administrative Company Node ID. |
CompanyNode_Admin | The administrativ Company Node ID |
PermissionGroups | One or more Permission Groups to assign the User. |
Resource Result
Returns the updated UserDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Users: Management - Enabled
Merge Users
Merges all User information from one specified User to another.Important:
Upon success, the merge from account information will be removed and no longer be accessible in the system.
Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{useridfrom}/merge-into/{useridto}?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {useridfrom} - Represents the identifier of the user being merged FROM. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
- {useridto} - Represents the identifier of the user being merged TO. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
No additional requirements are applicable to this method.Resource Results
When utilizing Http GET as the method, this will return two UserDTO objects; the first representing the User being merged from and the second representing the User being merged to. When utilizing Http POST as the method, this will return the a UserDTO object for the User merged to.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Users: Merge User Records
Get Listing of User Course Registrations
Retrieves a collection of Course Registrations for a single User based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/courseregistrations/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
includemodules | Specifies whether or not to include Course Module information for each Registration. | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of CourseRegistrationDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Gradebook
Get a Specific User Course Registration
Retrieves a specific Course Registration for a single User based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/courseregistrations/{registration_identifier}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
- {registration_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user's course registration to retrieve. This is the CourseRegistrationID value of the CourseRegistrationDTO object.
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a specific CourseRegistrationDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Gradebook
Create a User Course Registration
Creates a User Course Registration based on the posted CourseRegistrationDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/courseregistrations/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the CourseRegistrationDTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
CourseNumber | The Course Number relative to the Course to create a registration to. |
-or- | |
CourseID | The Course ID relative to the Course to create a registration to. |
Resource Results
Returns the created CourseRegistrationDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Gradebook
Update a User Course Registration
Updates a specific User Course Registration based on the posted CourseRegistrationDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/users/{user_identifier}/courseregistrations/{registration_identifier}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {user_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user to retrieve. Can be one of the following values of the UserDTO object:
- UniqueID_ClientSpecified
- UserUUID
- {registration_identifier} - Represents the identifier of the user's course registration to retrieve. This is the CourseRegistrationID value of the CourseRegistrationDTO object.
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the CourseRegistrationDTO object.Required and optional fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description | Type |
CourseRegistrationID | The Course Registration ID. | Required |
CompletionDate | The completion date to apply to th eCourse Registration. If ommited, the current date is utilized. | Optional |
Score | The score value to apply to the Course Registration. | Optional |
Status | The status to apply to the Course Registration. Accepted values are:
Required |
Resource Results
Returns the updated CourseRegistrationDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Gradebook
Get Listing of Articles
Retrieves a collection of Articles based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/articles/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]&articletype=[articletype]&searchtext=[searchtext]&count=countResource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
articletype | Filters results to the specified article type. Accepted values are References, FrequentlyAskedQuestions, 1, or 2 (1=References, 2=FrequentlyAskedQuestions). | Required |
searchtext | Filters results based on a full text search of the title and body of the article. Passing an nothing to this parameter will return all results. | Optional |
Count | Limits the number of results returned to the number specified. If ommited, the number of results is defaulted to all results. |
Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of ArticleDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:If the defined Article Type is FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
- Faq: Management Enabled -or-
- Frequently Asked Questions is Visible
- References: Enabled For Students -or-
- References: Management Enabled
Get a Specific Article
Retrieves a specific Article based on the resource path defined.The URI's {id} section defining the User resource to retrieve (see below).
Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/articles/{id}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {id} - Represents the identifier of the Article to retrieve. Can be found from the ID value from an ArticleDTO object:
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a ArticleDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:If the defined Article Type is FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
- Faq: Management Enabled -or-
- Frequently Asked Questions is Visible
- References: Enabled For Students -or-
- References: Management Enabled
Create an Article
Creates an Article based on the posted ArticleDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/articles/?companyapitoken=[company_apitoken]&userapitoken=[user_api_token]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
companyapitoken | Your Company API Token, can be generated on the site master setup page for your company | Required |
userapitoken | API Token for the User Account being used for authentication to the API is generated on the user edit page | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the ArticleDTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
Title | The title of the Article |
ArticleType | The article type. Possible values are References, FrequentlyAskedQuestions, 1, or 2 (1=References, 2=FrequentlyAskedQuestions) |
Resource Result
Returns a ArticleDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:If the defined Article Type is FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
- Faq: Management Enabled
- References: Management Enabled
Update an Article
Updates an Article based on the posted ArticleDTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/articles/{id}/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]- {id} - Represents the identifier of articleretrieve. Represents the value of the ID field on the ArticleDTO object:
Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the ArticleDTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
Title | The title of the Article |
ArticleType | The article type. Possible values are References, FrequentlyAskedQuestions, 1, or 2 (1=References, 2=FrequentlyAskedQuestions) |
Resource Result
Returns the updated ArticleDTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:If the defined Article Type is FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
- Faq: Management Enabled
- References: Management Enabled
Get Listing of Instructor Profiles
Retrieves a collection of Instructor Profiles based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/instructorprofiles/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
EventCutoffDate | Limits the searching on Scheduled Events an Instructor is associated with to only events that are after the specified date. | Optional |
SearchIDS | Comma delimited; filters on only User(s) who match the Unique ID values specified. | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of UserListItemDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Manage Instructors Is Visible
Get Listing of Course Registrations
Retrieves a collection of Course Registrations based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/courseregistrations/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
usergroupid | Limits the results to Course Registrations of user's within the specified User Group group specified by the provided ID. | Optional |
userteamid | Limits the results to Course Registrations of user's within the specified User Team specified by the provided ID. | Optional |
coursegroupid | Limits the results to Course Registrations of user's within the specified Course Group specified by the provided ID. | Optional |
enrollgreaterthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with an Enrollment Date greater than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
enrolllessthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with an Enrollment Date less than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
completiongreaterthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with a Completion Date greater than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
completionlessthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with a Completion Date less than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
includecompleted | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been Completed. | Optional |
includenotyetviewed | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been Not Yet Viewed. | Optional |
includeinprogress | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been In Progress. | Optional |
includefailed | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been Failed. | Optional |
includedropped | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been Dropped. | Optional |
includemodules | Specifies whether or not to include Course Module information for each Registration. | Optional |
includeFailedtoCompleteByDueDate | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been FailedtoCompleteByDueDate. | Optional |
includeExpired | Specifies whether or not to include Course Registrations that have been Expired. | Optional |
lastmodifiedgreaterthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with a Updated Date greater than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
lastmodifiedlessthan | Limits the results to Course Registrations with a Updated Date less than or equal to the specified date value. | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of CourseRegistrationDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Gradebook
Get Listing of Published Courses
Retrieves a collection of Published Courses in order of last updated based on the parameter(s) specified.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}SWS/rest/coursespublished/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
coursename | Filters results based on a full text search of the course name. Passing an nothing to this parameter will return all results. | Optional |
coursenumber | Filters results based on a full text search of the course number. Passing an nothing to this parameter will return all results. | Optional |
showonlylatestmasterversion | Limits results based on if dataset needs to only have the latest master version. Passing an nothing to this parameter will return all results. Accepted values are true/false. | Optional |
count | Limits the number of results returned to the number specified. If ommited, the number of results is defaulted to all results. | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns a collection of CoursesListItemDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Manage Instructors Is Visible
Returns an Authentication DTO based on the LoginCredentialsDTO specified. If "Seamless sign-on keys can be auto-generated via the API" is checked in System Tools > Site Master Setup > Login and Password Settings, then a seamless sign-on key will automatically be generated for the user if one does not exist.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/authentication/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
Http Method(s)
- Post
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the LoginCredentials DTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
Login | Login |
Password | Password |
Resource Results
Returns a Authentication DTO in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- N/A
Gets a list of Course Registration of the authenticated user
Get a list of Course Registration of the authenticated user. The authenticated user is the user associated with the value passed in via the seamlesssignonkey.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/mycourseregistrations/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
setcompanyid | Your Company ID, as obtained from Customer Service | Required |
seamlesssignonkey | Login Key for the User Account being used for authentication to the API | Required |
iscoursepreview | Determines whether to get live course registrations from My Courses or registrations being previewed in Manage Courses. The default is to retrieve live registrations from My Courses | Optional |
includenotyetviewed | Includes registrations that have not been viewed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includecompleted | Includes registrations that have been completed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includeinprogress | Includes registrations that are in progress by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includeinprogress | Includes registrations that have been failed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
Http Method(s)
Http Header: Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Results
Returns an array of CourseRegistrationDTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- My Courses: Enabled For Students
Get External App Module Data for Student Registrations
Get's the External App Module Data associated with Course Registrations.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/externalappmoduleapi/?setcompanyid=[company_identifier]&seamlesssignonkey=[account_login_key]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
companyapitoken | Your Company API Token, can be generated on the site master setup page for your company | Required |
userapitoken | API Token for the User Account being used for authentication to the API is generated on the user edit page | Required |
iscoursepreview | Determines whether to get live course registrations from My Courses or registrations being previewed in Manage Courses. The default is to retrieve live registrations from My Courses | Optional |
includenotyetviewed | Includes registrations that have not been viewed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includecompleted | Includes registrations that have been completed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includeinprogress | Includes registrations that are in progress by the student. Default is false | Optional |
includeinprogress | Includes registrations that have been failed by the student. Default is false | Optional |
coursemoduleid | Filters results by that match the coursemoduleid. This value is a GUID. The default is null. | Optional |
courseregistrationmoduleid | Filters results that match the courseregistrationmoduleid. This value is a GUID. The Default is null. | Optional |
Http Method(s)
- Get
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not require this header information be set.Http POST Data Requirements
This resource does not accept a POST verb and does not have any data requirements.Resource Result
Returns an array of External App Module DTO objects in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- My Courses: Enabled For Students
Update an External App Module for a Student Registration
Updates an External App Module within a course regitration based on the posted External App Module DTO object, transmitted as XML or JSON.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/externalappmoduleapi/?companyapitoken=[company_apitoken]&userapitoken=[user_api_token]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
companyapitoken | Your Company API Token, can be generated on the site master setup page for your company | Required |
userapitoken | API Token for the User Account being used for authentication to the API is generated on the user edit page | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Http POST Data Requirements
This URI accepts an XML or JSON representation of the External App Module DTO object.Required fields are outlined in the following table:
Name | Description |
CourseRegistrationID | The unique ID of the registration |
CourseRegistrationModuleID | The unique id of the external app module within the registration |
CourseModuleStatus | String value representing the status of the module. The values are NotYetViewed, InProgress, Completed values are Failed |
Score | A value between 0 and 100 that represents the module's score. |
TotalSecondsInModule | An integer value that must be 0 or greater representing the time spent in the module. |
SuspendData | Any string value that the course developer wants persisted to the LMS to later be retrieved and used by the course. |
Resource Result
Returns the updated External App Module DTO object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Payments Processing
Receive External Payment Status Change
Listener for Pesapal payment status change to complete orders. When adding the call to the Pesapal account, the companyapitoken & userapitoken will needed to be provided in the listener field, the other 3 fields will be appended by Pesapal when it calls the API.Resource URI
http://{domain-to-use}/sws/rest/payments/?companyapitoken=[company_apitoken]&userapitoken=[user_api_token]&pesapal_notification_type=[notification_type]&pesapal_merchant_reference=[merchant_reference]&pesapal_transaction_tracking_id=[transaction_tracking_id]Resource Query String Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
companyapitoken | Your Company API Token, can be generated on the site master setup page for your company | Required |
userapitoken | API Token for the User Account being used for authentication to the API is generated on the user edit page | Required |
pesapal_notification_type | Notification Type provied by Pesapal | Required |
pesapal_merchant_reference | Merchant Reference provided by Pesapal | Required |
pesapal_transaction_tracking_id | Transaction Tracking ID provided by Pesapal | Required |
Http Method(s)
Http Header Accept
- application/xml will return XML to you in the response
- application/json will return JSON to you in the response
Http Header: Content-Type
- application/xml indicates the post data is an XML structure
- application/json indicates the post data is a JSON structure
Resource Result
Returns a boolean for testing purposes only when the status has been checked and order has been updated accordingly object in either XML or JSON, based on Resource Http Accept defined for the request.Required Permission(s)
The following permission(s) are required to be set for the account accessing via the API:- Store Front: API Payment Status Listener Enabled
Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
The Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) are used as both the structure returned from, and passed to the various API URI's supported by the SWS.All objects must be created and posted as either XML or JSON.
A complete listing of what Data Transfer Objects this API utilizes are outlined in the sections below.
User List Item Data Transfer Object (UserListItemDTO)
This DTO represents a summary of base User information.Please Note:
This DTO is for retrieval only and is not used in any POST methods.
Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
Status | Represents the status of a User. | Active Inactive |
UserUUID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) |
AllRequiredProfileFieldsCompleted | Represents whether or not the User has completed all required fields on their User Profile. | true false |
EmailAddress | Represents the E-mail Address for a User. | (String, Max Length |
SelfAssessmentCompleted | Represents whether or not the User has completed their Self-Assessment | true false |
isActiveIPDP | Represents whether or not the User has an active Professional Development Plan | true false |
MiddleName | Represents the middle name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
PrefixName | Represents the prefix name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
SuffixName | Represents the suffix name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
Createdate | Represents the creation date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Createdate_ClientUsage | Represents the creation date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Updatedate | Represents the last date the user was updated. | String, Required format of one of the following:
TimeZone | Represents the time zone of the user. | String, Max Length 50) |
UserInactivationDate | Represents the deletion (termination, inactive) date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
PhoneNumberDay | Daytime phone number to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 20) |
PhoneNumberDayExt | Daytime phone number extension to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 10) |
PhoneNumberEvening | Evening phone number to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 20) |
PhoneNumberEveningext | Evening phone number extension to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 10) |
Address1 | Address Line 1 to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) |
Address2 | Address Line 2 to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) |
City | City to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) |
State_Province | Represents the state or province of the user. | State/Province abbreviation matching a value in the system |
PostalCode | The postal code to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 32) |
DOB | The birth date to assign to the User. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Gender | The gender to assign to the User. | Male Female Unknown |
Country | The country to assign to the User. | Country name matching a value in the system |
UserFreeFormField1Value | The free form field (1) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) |
UserFreeFormField2Value | The free form field (2) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) |
UserFreeFormField3Value | The free form field (3) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) |
UserFreeFormField4Value | The free form field (4) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) |
Language | Represents the language of the user. | (String, Max Length 5) |
UserCompanyNodes | Collection of UserCompanyNodeDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCompanyNodeMetaData | Collection of UserCompanyNodeMetaDataDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserProfileFields | Collection of UserProfileFieldDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCourseRegistrations | Collection of CourseRegistrationDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCourseCompletions | Collection of CourseCompletionDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCredentialsSummaries | Collection of UserCredentialSummaryDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCredentials | Collection of UserCredentialDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserCredentialSubmissions | Collection of UserCredentialSubmissionsDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserWorkExperiences | Collection of UserWorkExperienceDTO. | XML/JSON |
UserYearsWorkExperience | Collection of UserYearsWorkExperienceDTO. | XML/JSON |
XML Example
</UserWorkExperience>JSON Example
User Company Node Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeDTO)
This DTO represents Company Node (Organizational) information associated with a User.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CompanyNodeID | Represents the ID of the Company Node. | UUID | Read Only |
CompanyNodeName | Represents the Name of the Company Node. | String | Read Only |
CompanyNodeUniqueID | Represents the Unique ID of the Company Node. | String | Read Only |
Status | Represents the verification status of a User Company Node. | Verified" "Unverified" |
Read Only |
MetaData |
XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Meta Data values associated with the User's Company Node record.
XML Example: <MetaData>
<Name>[Name of Meta Data Item]</Name>
<Value>[Value of Meta Data Item]</Value>
<Name>[Name of Meta Data Item]</Name>
<Value>[Value of Meta Data Item]</Value>
JSON Example: "MetaData":[{"Name":"","Value":""},{"Name":"","Value":""}] |
String | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Company Node MetaData Data Transfer Object (UserCompanyNodeMetaDataDTO)
This DTO represents a collection Company Node MetaData Items (Organizational) information associated with a User.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CompanyNodeID | Represents the ID of the Company Node. | UUID | Read Only |
CompanyNodeName | Represents the Name of the Company Node. | String | Read Only |
Name | Represents the Name of Meta Data Item. | String | Read Only |
Value | Represents the Value of Meta Data Item. | String | Read Only |
CreateDate | Represents the date then Meta Data Item was created. | String | Read Only |
UpdateDate | Represents the date the Meta Data Item was last updated. | String | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Data Transfer Object (UserDTO)
This DTO represents User information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserUUID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Update Only |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Create & Update |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Create & Update |
MiddleName | Represents the middle name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Not Required |
GotoPageAfterLogin | Represents the page a user should be taken to upon successful login. | SystemDesignatedDefault Home CourseCatalog CollaborationTab UsersAndOrgTab ManageLearningTab ReportingTab SystemToolsTab SiteMap MyLearningPath ManageContent |
Not Required |
PrefixName | Represents the prefix name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Not Required |
SuffixName | Represents the suffix name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Not Required |
Createdate_ETSUsage | Represents the creation date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Deletedate_ClientUsage | Represents the deletion (termination, inactive) date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Reassignmentdate | Represents the reassignment date to be assigned to a user. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Status | Represents the status of a User. | "Active" "Inactive" |
Create & Update |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) | Create & Update |
LoginID | Represents the Login ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Create & Update |
SetLoginPassword | Represents the Password value for a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Not Required |
CompanyNode_NonAdmin | Represents the ID of the company node to assign the user to for their Student node mapping.
Tip: Admins can login to the LMS and edit the Node within the Organizational Hierarchy to view the UUID for the Node. |
UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Create & Update |
CompanyNode_Admin | Represents the ID of the company node to assign the user to for their Administrative node mapping.
Tip: Admins can login to the LMS and edit the Node within the Organizational Hierarchy to view the UUID for the Node. |
UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Create & Update |
PhoneNumberDay | Daytime phone number to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 20) | Not Required |
PhoneNumberDayExt | Daytime phone number extension to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 10) | Not Required |
PhoneNumberEvening | Evening phone number to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 20) | Not Required |
PhoneNumberEveningext | Evening phone number extension to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 10) | Not Required |
EmailAddress | The e-mail address to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 255) | Not Required |
Address1 | Address Line 1 to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) | Not Required |
Address2 | Address Line 2 to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) | Not Required |
City | City to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 320) | Not Required |
State | State value to assign to the User. | State/Province abbreviation matching a value in the system | Not Required |
PostalCode | The postal code to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 32) | Not Required |
Birthdate | The birth date to assign to the User. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Gender | The gender to assign to the User. | Male Female Unknown |
Not Required |
ImportDeleteExempt | An indicator telling the system if the user is exempt from being set to Inactive based on importing rules. | true false |
Not Required |
DisableonDeleteDate | An indicator telling the system if the user is automatically set to inactive when the defined Deletedate_ClientUsage date value is reached. | true false |
Not Required |
Country | The country to assign to the User. | Country name matching a value in the system | Not Required |
SetSeamlessSignonKey | The Login Key to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 50) (must be unique) |
Not Required |
UserFreeFormField1Value | The free form field (1) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) | Not Required |
UserFreeFormField2Value | The free form field (2) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) | Not Required |
UserFreeFormField3Value | The free form field (3) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) | Not Required |
UserFreeFormField4Value | The free form field (4) to assign to the User. | (String, Max Length 500) | Not Required |
PermissionGroups | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Permission Groups to assign to the User.
XML Example: <PermissionGroups> <PermissionGroup>
<Name>[Permission Group Name]</Name>
JSON Example: "PermissionGroups":[{"ID":null,"Name":"[Permission Group Name]"}] |
(String) | Create & Update |
StudentNodes | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Student Nodes to associated to the User.
XML Example: <StudentNodes> <CompanyNodeAccess>
<NodeUniqueID>[Unique ID for the Node]</NodeUniqueID>
- or - <StudentNodes> <CompanyNodeAccess>
<CompanyNodeID>[GUID value for the Node]</CompanyNodeID>
JSON Example: "StudentNodes":[{"NodeUniqueID":"[Unique ID for the Node]"}] - or - "StudentNodes":[{"CompanyNodeID":"[GUID value for the Node]"}] Important Note: When specifying a node to be associated to a user, you can specify either the NodeUniqueID -or- the CompanyNodeID. |
(String) | Create & Update |
UserAttributes1 | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more User Attributes - Type 1 - to associated to the User.
XML Example: <UserAttributes1> <UserAttribute>
<AttributeID>[GUID value for the User Attribute]</AttributeID>
<AttributeName>[Name value for the User Attribute]</AttributeName>
JSON Example: "UserAttributes1":[{"AttributeID":"[GUID value for the User Attribute]","AttributeName":"[Name value for the User Attribute]"}] Important Notes: When specifying an attribute to be associated to a user, you can specify either the ID -or- the Name. To clear all attributes, pass in a value of "CLEARALL". |
(String) | Create & Update |
UserAttributes2 | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more User Attributes - Type 2 - to associated to the User.
XML Example: <UserAttributes1> <UserAttribute>
<AttributeID>[GUID value for the User Attribute]</AttributeID>
<AttributeName>[Name value for the User Attribute]</AttributeName>
JSON Example: "UserAttributes1":[{"AttributeID":"[GUID value for the User Attribute]","AttributeName":"[Name value for the User Attribute]"}] Important Notes: When specifying an attribute to be associated to a user, you can specify either the ID -or- the Name. To clear all attributes, pass in a value of "CLEARALL". |
(String) | Create & Update |
UserAttributes3 | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more User Attributes - Type 3 - to associated to the User.
XML Example: <UserAttributes1> <UserAttribute>
<AttributeID>[GUID value for the User Attribute]</AttributeID>
<AttributeName>[Name value for the User Attribute]</AttributeName>
JSON Example: "UserAttributes1":[{"AttributeID":"[GUID value for the User Attribute]","AttributeName":"[Name value for the User Attribute]"}] Important Notes: When specifying an attribute to be associated to a user, you can specify either the ID -or- the Name. To clear all attributes, pass in a value of "CLEARALL". |
(String) | Create & Update |
UserAttributes4 | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more User Attributes - Type 4 - to associated to the User.
XML Example: <UserAttributes1> <UserAttribute>
<AttributeID>[GUID value for the User Attribute]</AttributeID>
<AttributeName>[Name value for the User Attribute]</AttributeName>
JSON Example: "UserAttributes1":[{"AttributeID":"[GUID value for the User Attribute]","AttributeName":"[Name value for the User Attribute]"}] Important Notes: When specifying an attribute to be associated to a user, you can specify either the ID -or- the Name. To clear all attributes, pass in a value of "CLEARALL". |
(String) | Create & Update |
XML Example
JSON Example
Course Registration Data Transfer Object (CourseRegistrationDTO)
This DTO represents Course Registration information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
CourseRegistrationId | Represents the ID of the registration. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Update Only |
CourseID | Represents the ID of the course. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Create Only - Optional * Note: * If ommited on Create, CourseNumber must be specified as an alternative. |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) | Read Only |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
UserStatus | Represents the status of the User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
EnrollDate | Represents the date the course registration was made. | Note: All dates are in UTC. | Read Only |
CompletionDate | Represents the date the course registration was completed. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Score | The score assigned to the course registration. | Integer between 0 and 100. | Not Required |
Status | The status value assigned to the course registration. | NotViewed InProgress CompletedOrPassed FailedtoMeetCourseRequirements DroppedByStudent FailedtoCompleteByDueDate Expired |
Update Only |
SecondsinRegistration | The total number of seconds assigned to the course registration. | Integer | Read Only |
CourseVersion | The version of the course assigned to the course registration. | Integer | Read Only |
CourseName | The name of the course assigned to the course registration. | (String, Max Length 150) | Read Only |
CourseNumber | The number of the course assigned to the course registration. | (String, Max Length 150) | Create Only - Optional * Note: * If ommited on Create, CourseID must be specified as an alternative. |
Credits | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Credits received for completiong the Course.
XML Example: <Credits> <Credit>
<Name>Example Credit</Name>
JSON Example: "Credits":[{"Name":"Example Credit Name","Hours":"2.00"}] |
XML/JSON | Read Only |
CourseRegistrationModules | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Course Modules associated with a Course Registration.
XML Example: <CourseRegistrationModule> <CourseInstanceUUID>927793af-c4ed-11e3-806e-0026b9471ac1</CourseInstanceUUID>
<CourseModuleName>Factory Floor Basics</CourseModuleName>
<CompletionDate>4/15/2014 10:37:20 PM</CompletionDate>
<CreateDate>4/15/2014 10:37:09 PM</CreateDate>
JSON Example: "Credits":[{"Name":"Example Credit Name","Hours":"2.00"}] |
XML/JSON | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
Course Completion Data Transfer Object (CourseCompletionDTO)
This DTO represents Course Completion information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
CourseRegistrationId | Represents the ID of the registration. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Update Only |
CourseID | Represents the ID of the course. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Create Only - Optional * Note: * If ommited on Create, CourseNumber must be specified as an alternative. |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) | Read Only |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
UserStatus | Represents the status of the User. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
EnrollDate | Represents the date the course registration was made. | Note: All dates are in UTC. | Read Only |
CompletionDate | Represents the date the course registration was completed. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Not Required |
Score | The score assigned to the course registration. | Integer between 0 and 100. | Not Required |
Status | The status value assigned to the course registration. | NotViewed InProgress CompletedOrPassed FailedtoMeetCourseRequirements DroppedByStudent FailedtoCompleteByDueDate |
Update Only |
SecondsinRegistration | The total number of seconds assigned to the course registration. | Integer | Read Only |
CourseVersion | The version of the course assigned to the course registration. | Integer | Read Only |
CourseName | The name of the course assigned to the course registration. | (String, Max Length 150) | Read Only |
CourseNumber | The number of the course assigned to the course registration. | (String, Max Length 150) | Create Only - Optional * Note: * If ommited on Create, CourseID must be specified as an alternative. |
Credits | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Credits received for completiong the Course.
XML Example: <Credits> <Credit>
<Name>Example Credit</Name>
JSON Example: "Credits":[{"Name":"Example Credit Name","Hours":"2.00"}] |
XML/JSON | Read Only |
CourseRegistrationModules | XML or JSON Data Structure containing one or more Course Modules associated with a Course Registration.
XML Example: <CourseRegistrationModule> <CourseInstanceUUID>927793af-c4ed-11e3-806e-0026b9471ac1</CourseInstanceUUID>
<CourseModuleName>Factory Floor Basics</CourseModuleName>
<CompletionDate>4/15/2014 10:37:20 PM</CompletionDate>
<CreateDate>4/15/2014 10:37:09 PM</CreateDate>
JSON Example: "Credits":[{"Name":"Example Credit Name","Hours":"2.00"}] |
XML/JSON | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
Course List Item Data Transfer Object (CourseListItemDTO)
This DTO represents Published Courses information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
CourseUUID | Represents the ID of the Course. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CourseName | The name of the Course. | (String, Max Length 150) | Read Only |
CourseNumber | The client specified number for a Course. | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
CourseVersion | The numeric version number of the Course. | Integer | Read Only |
CourseVersionType | The type of course version (Standard, MasterVersion). | (String, Max Length 50) | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
Article Data Transfer Object (ArticleDTO)
This DTO represents Article information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
ID | Represents the ID of the Article. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Update Only |
Title | The title of the Article | (String, Max Length 200) | Create & Update |
Content | The HTML content for the article | (String, unlimited length) | Not Required Note:
This field is used for JSON requests only and is escaped accordingly |
ContentCData | The HTML content for the article | (String, unlimited length) | Not Required Note:
This CDATA element is used for XML requests only. When submitting data make sure this element adheres to the format of a CDATA XML element: <ContentCData><![CDATA[YOUR TEXT]]></ContentCData> |
CategoryID | Represents the CategoryID for the article | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Not Required Note:
An emply string or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 represents a blank value. |
ArticleType | Enumeration that identifies the Article type as a reference or frequently asked question. | Accepted values are References,FrequentlyAskedQuestions, 1, or 2. (1=References and 2=FrequentlyAskedQuestions) | Create & Update |
RelativeURL | The relative URL to the Article. | The relative URL to the Article. | Readonly |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Profile Field Transfer Object (UserProfileFieldDTO)
This DTO represents User Profile Field information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserProfileFieldId | Represents the ID of the User Profile Field. | UUID | Read Only |
FieldName | Represents the name of the User Profile Field. | String | Read Only |
FieldValue | Represents the value of the User Profile Field. | String | Read Only |
CreateDate | Represents the last date the User Profile Field was updated. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Read Only |
UpdateDate | Represents the date the User Profile Field was created. | String, Required format of one of the following:
Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
{"UserProfileFieldId":"","FieldName":"","FieldValue":"", "CreateDate":"", "UpdateDate":""}
User Credential Summary Data Transfer Object (UserCredentialSummaryDTO)
This DTO represents a Summary of User Credential information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CredentialGroupID | Represents the ID of the Credential Group. | UUID | Read Only |
CredentialGroupName | Represents the name of the Credential Group. | String | Read Only |
UserRankValue | Represents the numeric rank value for the User's highest earned Credential within the Credential Group | UUID | Read Only |
UserRankName | Represents the label/name of the User's highest earned Credential within the Credential Group | String | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Credential Data Transfer Object (UserCredentialDTO)
This DTO represents User Credential information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CredentialGroupID | Represents the ID of the Credential Group. | UUID | Read Only |
CredentialGroupName | Represents the name of the Credential Group. | String | Read Only |
CredentialID | Represents the ID of the Credential. | UUID | Read Only |
CredentialName | Represents the name of the Credential. | String | Read Only |
DateAwarded | Represents the date the Credential was awarded. |
Read Only |
PointsOnAwardDate | Represents the number of points awarded. | Integer | Read Only |
ExpirationDate | Represents the date the Credential expires. |
DateTime Note: All dates are in UTC. |
Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Credential Submissions Data Transfer Object (UserCredentialSubmissionsDTO)
This DTO represents User Credential Submissions information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
AcademicDegreeID | Represents the Academic Degree ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
Award | Represents the Award. | String | Read Only |
AreaOfStudy | Represents the Area Of Study. | String | Read Only |
Status | Represents verification status of the Award. | Verified" "Unverified" |
Read Only |
HighestDegree | Represents Highest Degree awarded to the User. | String | Read Only |
XML Example
<HighestDegree> </HighestDegree>
<HighestDegree> </HighestDegree>
JSON Example
User Work Experience Data Transfer Object (UserWorkExperienceDTO)
This DTO represents User Work Experience information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
WorkExperienceID | Represents the ID of the Work Experience. | UUID | Read Only |
WorkExperienceName | Represents the name of the Work Experience. | String | Read Only |
ExperienceMetric | Represents the metric for the Experience value. | String - (Month or Year) | Read Only |
Experience | Represents the recorded Experience value. | Decimal | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
User Years Work Experience Data Transfer Object (WorkYearsExperienceDTO)
This DTO represents User Years of Work Experience information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
UserYearsWorkExperience | Represents the User Years of Work Experience. | String | Read Only |
XML Example
JSON Example
Instructor Profile Data Transfer Object (InstructorProfileDTO)
This DTO represents a summary of base User information.Please Note:
This DTO is for retrieval only and is not used in any POST methods.
Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
InstructorProfileID | Represents the data record ID generated for the Instructor Profile. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) |
UserUUID | Represents the data record ID generated for the User. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) |
UniqueID_ClientSpecified | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
EmailAddress | Represents the E-mail Address for a User. | (String, Max Length 255) |
HasEvents | Represents whether or not the Instructor is associated with any Scheduled Events. (see the EventCutoffDate parameter for additional informatiotn) |
Boolean |
XML Example
JSON Example
Login Credentials DTO (LoginCredentialsDTO)
This DTO is used to pass login information.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
Login | Login | (String) |
Password | Password | (String) |
XML Example
JSON Example
Authentication Data Transfer Object (AuthenticationDTO)
This DTO represents user authentication informationPlease Note:
This DTO is for retrieval only and is not used in any POST methods.
Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
FirstName | Represents the first name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
LastName | Represents the last name of a User. | (String, Max Length 50) |
UniqueID | Represents the Unique ID value for a User. | (String, Max Length 64) |
userapitoken | Represents the userapitoken used in API calls | String |
XML Example
JSON Example
This DTO represents data associated with External App Module registrations.Data Structure
Field Name | Description | Data Type & Accepted Values | Required On |
CourseRegistrationID | Represents the data record ID generated for the Registration. | UUID value (for an overview, go here) | Read Only |
CourseRegistrationModuleID | Represents the data record ID generated for the Registration Module. | UUID | Read Only |
CourseModuleID | Represents the data record ID generated for the Module. | UUID | Read Only |
CourseModuleName | Represents the Name of the Module. | String | Read Only |
CourseModuleType | Represents the type of the Module. | String | Read Only |
CourseModuleStatus | Status of the module. Acceptable values are NotYetViewed, InProgress, Completed and Failed | String | Update |
Score | Value between 0 and 100 | Int | Update |
TotalSecondsInModule | Value greater than 0 that course developers can use to track the time spent in the content | Int | Update |
SuspendData | Value course developers can use save data that they may want to use between sessions of viewing the content. | String | Update |
CompletionDate | String, Required format of one of the following:
String | Update |
XML Example
JSON Example