When you create or edit a notification from the Automated Notification Template Management page you are presented with the Configure Automated Notification page similar to the one shown below.

Let's look at the fields and options on the page:

Field/Option Description
Template Name The name of the notification
Notification Language The language this notification is specific to.
Notification Type Either E-Mail or Message Center.
Trigger Also known as "Days". This option only applies to the Due Date related notifications.
  • For Due Date Approaching - This represents the number of days before the due date that the notification should go out.
  • For Due Date Passed - This represents the number of days after the due date that the notification should go out.
Notification is Active (Aka Status). Checked is Active / Unchecked is Inactive
Use As Default? Indicates that it is the default notification for users who have a language selection that is not covered by a specific language notification.

Best Practice: Always make sure that your notifications are covered with a default.
Course Configuration (Aka Referenced Item) Options are:
  • All Courses - The notification applies to all courses.
  • Specific Course - The notification is specific to the single course that you select.

This option is only presented and available for the course related notifications.
Copy To Allows an automatic copy of the notification to go out to selected administrative recipients.

I M P O R T A N T: Only use this option to COPY to one or more admins.
Notification Subject The subject line for the e-mail
Load Default Template Click this button to load a default "message" in the body of your notification.
Insert Dynamic Data Variable Inserts useful data into your message to help you customize your notification to the user and the event that notification is for.

Be sure to click the Save button to save your changes.