SCORM Package Properties - Compatibility Settings

Below are recommended settings based on the type of SCORM Package. These are just guidelines. The best way to experience how the configuration options function is to actually experiment with them. So experiment with the options by creating a test course in your LMS containing a SCORM Module with your SCORM content.

Recommended Settings - All SCORM 1.2 Packages

Recommended Settings - All SCORM 2004 Packages

Internet Compatibility Mode

Compatibility modes are typically used for content that worked fine in older browser versions but does not work well in newer browser versions.

The recommendation is to use "None" unless there is a specific reason to try a different option.

Reasons to try a different option:

  1. The content author has declared that the Content requires a particular IE Comp Mode.
  2. The content you are working with is not behaving as expected. Experimentation with the different modes might help resolve the issue.