The Manage Automated Notifications function provides a way to manage notifications for the following events:
  • New User Created
  • Course Self-Enrollment
  • Course Auto Enrollment
  • Course Enrollment By Admin
  • Course Completion
  • Course Due-Date Approaching
  • Course Due-Date Passed
  • Course Expiration Date Approaching
  • Course Needs Completing
  • Course Module Completed
  • Course Publish Approval Request Submitted
  • Course Publish Approval Request Approved
  • Course Publish Approval Request Rejected
  • Professional Development Plan Expiration Date
  • Scheduled Event Cancellation
  • User Account Registration Approval
  • User Account Registration Rejection

New User Creation Notification
Assume that a "New User" Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the user and any designated admins when one of the following occurs:

  1. A User Import runs and creates a new user in the LMS.
  2. An admin working in User Manager creates a new user account.
  3. An individual self-registers for the site which results in a new user account in the LMS. (This is only applicable to sites that allow users to self-register on the site.

Course Self-Enrollment Notification
Assume that a Course Self-Enrollment Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when the student uses the Course Catalog to enroll in a course.

Course Auto Enrollment Notification
Assume that a Course Auto Enrollment Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when the enrollment rule runs and the enrollment is given to the student.

Course Enrollment By Admin Notification
Assume that a Course Enrollment By Admin Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when the admin enrolls the student in a course.

Course Completion Notification
Assume that a Course Completion Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when the student completes the course.

Course Due-Date Approaching Notification
Assume that a Course Due-Date Approaching Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student's course approaches the due-date. The notification will go out one time, X days before the course is due.

    Tip If you want a Due-Date notification to go out 10 days, 5 days and 1 day prior to a due-date you would setup three Due-Date notifications having the corresponding "Trigger" values of 10, 5 and 1 respectively.

Course Due-Date Passed Notification
Assume that a Course Due-Date Passed Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student's course passes the due-date. The notification will go out one time, X days after the course is due.

    Tip If you want a past due notification to go out 1 day, 5 days and 10 days after the due-date you would setup three Past Due-Date notifications having the corresponding "Trigger" values of 1, 5 and 10 respectively.

Course Expiration Date Approaching Notification
Assume that a Course Expiration Date Approaching Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student's course is approaching expiration. The notification will go out one time, X days prior to the course expiration date.

    Tip If you want an Expiration Date Approaching notification to go out 30 days and 15 days prior to the expiration date you would setup two Expiration Date Approaching notifications having the corresponding "Trigger" values of 30 and 15 respectively.

Course Needs Completing Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student's course is within X number of modules of completion.

    Tip This is very useful for notifying students that they need to complete that last survey module in the course.

Course Module Completed Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student completes a course module that is configured with the property "[x] Send Notification when this Module is Completed".

    Tip This is very useful for notifying students that they have made progress and they must move on to the next module in the course.

Course Publish Approval Request Submitted Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the selected CC Admin recipients when a request for publish approval has been submitted.

Course Publish Approval Request Approved Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the requestor when the request for approval has been approved.

Course Publish Approval Request Rejected Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the requestor when the request for approval has been rejected.

Professional Development Plan Expiration Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a student's Professional Development Plan is approaching expiration.

Scheduled Event Cancellation Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a scheduled event is canceled which the student is registered for.

User Account Registration Approval Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a students User Profile is approved.

User Account Registration Rejection Notification(s)
Assume that the Notification has been setup and is active for the LMS. The notification will be sent to the student and any designated admins when a students User Profile is rejected.