The LMS supports two different SCORM Modules.

  1. SCORM Module

    • This is the NEW SCORM Module that became available when build .77 was released on January 30th, 2014.

  2. SCORM Module (Classic)

    • This is the Original SCORM Module.
    • It has been renamed to SCORM Module (Classic).
    • It retains all of it's original functionality.
    • With the .77 build release this module now supports SCORM content updates. See the Edit SCORM Module (Classic) section of this guide to learn more.

    SCORM Modules - Comparison

    Feature SCORM Module
    SCORM Module (Classic)
    SCORM 1.2 Yes Yes
    SCORM 2004 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions Yes No
    SCORM Package Content Updates Yes Yes but limited
    SCORM Module (Classic) Content Update Limitations
    LMS Timeout No Yes
    Module Minimum Time Spent No Yes
    Preview - SCORM Debug Tool Yes Yes