When you Create a SCORM Module (Classic) the last step in the creation process presents you with the Module Configuration page as shown below.

When you edit a SCORM Module (Classic) you can navigate to the Module Configuration page as shown below.

Lets look at each of the options on this page in detail:

Common Course Module Properties See the section titled Common Course Module Properties to learn more.

Advanced SCORM Settings
Option Description
Navigation There are five options:
  1. LMS will Provide Navigation - Means the module will be played within the framework of the course viewer. This option is not recommended for SCORM modules.

  2. API Only (Pop-up Window Exit Button Shown) - The SCORM content will be opened in a separate Pop-Up window on top of a Course Player API window. The LMS Exit Button will be shown.

  3. API Only (Pop-up Window Exit Button Hidden) - The SCORM content will be opened in a separate Pop-Up window on top of a Course Player API window. The LMS Exit Button will be hidden.

  4. API Only (Integrated with Course Player Exit Button Shown) - The SCORM cotent will be opened in the current LMS window. The LMS Exit Button will be shown.

  5. API Only (Integrated with Course Player Exit Button Hidden) - The SCORM cotent will be opened in the current LMS window. The LMS Exit Button will be hidden.
Course Module Status Handling Based on SCO Lesson Status: There are two options:
  1. Course Module will be set to completed when all SCO's lesson status values are completed or passed: This is the default option and should be used whenever the course module can't be failed. The course module will be set to Completed when lesson-status is set to completed or passed. The course module will be set to In Progress when lesson-status is set to incomplete or failed.

  2. Course Module will be set to failed after one SCO's lesson-status is set to failed: Use this option if your SCO(s) can set lesson-status to failed and you want the course module to fail when a lesson-status of failed is passed to the LMS. The course module will be set to Completed when lesson-status is set to completed or passed. The course module will be set to In Progress when lesson-status is set to incomplete. The course module will be set to Failed when lesson-status is set to failed.
The Course Player Exits When the LAST SCO calls LMSFinish() The recommendation is to always check this option unless you are using the debug tool.

Be sure to click the Finish/Save button to save your changes.